2014: Positive signs from listed companies on HNX

2014: Positive signs from listed companies on HNX 20/03/2015 02:51:00 3410

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According to the report by Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), in 2014, 321 companies in total 358 listed companies on HNX made profits with total value reached approximately 13.036 trillion Vietnam Dong, marked an increase of 20% compared to 2013. The remaining 37 companies made losses with total value of 686.7 billion Vietnam Dong, which decreased 80.7% compared to previous year.

Accounting only Q4 of 2014, 308 companies made profits with total value of 5.020 trillion Vietnam Dong, 23.7% higher than the same time last year. 51 companies made losses with total value of 330 billion Vietnam Dong, 77.5% lower than previous year.

The report noted that the business operation of listed companies had significantly improved in 2014. Companies in mining and petroleum sector had best results with 22 companies making profits, total value of 1.444 trillion Vietnam Dong. Following are intrustrial sector with 98 companies making total profits of 1.404 trillion Vietnam Dong. 24 companies in financial sector made profits of 851 billion Vietnam Dong.