Vietnam Disburses VND9.8T G-bond in H1, 27 per cent of Year’s Plan

Vietnam Disburses VND9.8T G-bond in H1, 27 per cent of Year’s Plan 23/07/2009 08:52:00 974

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Vietnam was estimated to have disbursed VND9.826 trillion (US$579.6 million) worth of g-bonds in the first half of this year, meeting only 27.3 per cent of this year’s target, the government said on its Website.


Of the figure, ministries and sectors implemented VND6.64 trillion, or 39.4 per cent of the plan; and provincial and municipal authorities disbursed VND3.186 trillion, or 16.6 per cent of the target.


Transport sector saw the highest disbursement rate, with VND4.833 trillion out of the target of VND10 trillion for this year.


The government plans to invest a total of VND64 trillion of g-bonds into the economy this year, double the figure of last year. (, Stock Investment Jul 20 p5, New Hanoi Jul 18 p1), Stock Investment Jul 20 p5, New Hanoi Jul 18 p1)